
This is my personal digital portal. I am into wireless technology, standardization and passionate about programming. Posts in my portal are explicitly personal opinion and is not endorsement of my current or previous employers. The portal is the home for my blog posts and articles in addition to those that I usually post on #LinkedIn, Medium or twitter.

Sendil Kumar


Story of the Official 5G

Official 5G - The technology recognized and recommended by ITU-R to be deployed in IMT spectrum bands, that has been built to meet the requirments of new generation. Once in every 10 years, ITU-R meets to identify new requirements and vision of next generation of IMT technology. IMT-2000, IMT-Advanced (2010), IMT-2020 (2020) and next will be in 2030!.

Among all the generations of mobile technology, #5G has made lot of momentum and expectations from the technology right from the day when it was chalked out on a whiteboard.

3GPP 5G initiatives

3GPP is the only standardization body which had actively started developing specifications in 2015 that can deliver the wish-list of the IMT-2020. 3GPP technologies 2G,3G,4G have been widely adopted by all cellular operators in all countries. 3GPP kick starts its 5G standards development by the landmark RAN 5G workshop -”Start of Something” in Sept 2015 in USA. The workshop summary is available in [2]. More than 550 members participated with 70 presentations !!. Major operators, equipment manufacturers contributed in the workshop. Suprisingly no companies or organization from India contributed to this workshop !!

There is one more wirelesss technology that we use in our day-to-day life - WiFi a standard developed by IEEE. WiFi is based on 802.11 series (802.11a/b/g/n/ac) specifications. WiFi technology dont fall under the category of IMT (lack cellular mobility support). IEEE had developed WiMAX (802.16m) which supported mobility and is also an IMT-Advanced (official 4G) technology. WiMAX lost market adoption and failed to become a global cellular technology.

Did IEEE develop 5G too ??

IEEE 802 standards group formed formed a standing committee IEEE 802 EC 5G / IMT-2020 standing committee to assess (by July 2016)[4]:

Finally, IEEE decided NOT to develop and submit a IEEE based 5G candidate technology to ITU-R IEEE being such a large member driven body did a good homework before spending time to develop specifications for IMT2020 requirements !!


The journey of official 5G began in 2014 and completed the vision of IMT and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond (see report M.2483) in Sept 2015. This ITU-R recommendation was based on inputs various administrations, standards body and members of ITU.


3GPP's "Start of Something"
3GPP kick starts its 5G standards development by the landmark RAN 5G workshop -”Start of Something” in Sept 2015 in USA. The workshop summary is available in [2]. More than 550 members participated with 70 presentations !!. Major operators, equipment manufacturers contributed in the workshop. Suprisingly no companies or organization from India contributed to this workshop !!

2016, Feb

IEEE 802 EC 5G/IMT2020 setups
IEEE 802 standards group formed IEEE 802 EC 5G / IMT-2020 standing committee to assess if IEEE should develop a candidate technology (by July 2016)[4]:


New 5G requirements at ITU-R

Almost during the finalization (around Mid 2017) of “Evaluation Methdologies report” and “Minimum Performance requirements report”, India submitted a new mandatory “configuration to be simulated” for a rural and also defined a corresponding minimal spectral efficiency requirement. (Press Release Global body nod to India's LMLC configuration)

June 2018 :

In addition to 3GPP, there were two new proponents indicated ITU-R for their submissions

New Proponents | New 5G candidates


One of the organizational partner of 3GPP submitted its intention to submit a 3GPP Rel 15 based specifications as another candidate technology for 5G [5]. And also informed that final submission of the entire specification along with self-evaluation report in the required format will be submitted by meeting#32 in Brazil (July 2019)

DECT Forum

Forum of members inside ETSI submitted its intention to submit a candidate technology to ITU-R. [6]. Based on this initial submission, it seemed like DECT forum was developing a new DECT specifications (non-3GPP) that can meet all the IMT2020/5G requirments of eMBB, URLLC and mMTC. DECT is well known in the fixed cordless phone ecosystem.

May~June 2019

In the IEEE 802 AANI SC group, some of the members (like broadcomm, NuFront) continued to assess the capability of IEEE 802.11ax to meet some of the IMT2020 requirements. These discussions continued in July, Sept and Nov meetings in 2018 to propose 802.11ax as complimentary solution for some of the environment like Indoor Hotspot and Dense Urban. IEEE and 3GPP exchanged LS to participate together for the ITU-R submission. In May 2019, NuFront proposed a joint candidate technology (IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT) submission to ITU-R. (See [16])

2019, July @ Brazil

ITU-R Meeting, where all the proponents were expected to submit the FINAL SUBMISSION of their candidate technology.
Suprise Submission : NuFront

NuFront - A private company from China submitted a new candidate technology “EUHT” to the final meeting[8] . Their website have products they had developed in China and deployed in some scenarios (non-cellular) [9]. The company also claims to have developed the technology in 2010 and EUHT as chinese national standard. During that time even the Vision was not developed for IMT2020


Declared that their technology will have two radio technologies[10] - a) 3GPP NR (since ETSI owns copyrights of 3GPP being an OP) and - b) DECT 2020 specifications developed for URLLC and mMTC usages/requirements


In the final submission [11], included a technically modified versions of 3GPP NR and 3GPP LTE !!. The modified specifications were a mix various releases of 3GPP NR Rel 15.5 and 3GPP LTE Rel 15.x.

All the new proponents failed to submit the complete submission as per ITU-R process.

The unacceptance of TSDSI-RIT submission, containing technical modifications to the original 3GPP specification got termed as “India’s local 5G standard”

3GPP completed the milestone sucessfully

2019, Sept

Exceptional Deadline !!

Lucky NuFront, DECT & TSDSI !!
Fortunately, all the proponents NuFront, DECT Forum and TSDSI got an exceptional lifeline 14 to fix and complete their submission by 10 Sept 2019.

If this exception was not given, 3GPP NR & LTE Rel 15 would have been the only technology to be recommended as IMT-2020/5G

2019, Dec

Candidate technology from DECT,TSDSI & NuFront were approved based on the revised submission before the extended deadline 10th Sept 2019.

Finally, they made it ! - DECT TSDSI and NuFront


DECT remained to be a set of pure 3GPP NR and DECT2020.DECT[15a]


final submission continued to be a modifed 3GPP Rel 15 NR and a modified Rel.15 LTE specification. TSDSI Acknowledgement <a href=https://www.itu.int/md/R15-IMT.2020-C-0019/en> IMT2020/19 | 5D/1301 </a>


Submitted complete specification in English version, NuFront [15c]
Press Releases in India
This success of TSDSI continued to attract media attraction as well as concerns of interoperability issues with global telecom ecosystem. Few press articles related to this are
EconomicTimes, Feb 2020 : The global mobile supplier association (GSA) has reached out to the telecom department to express concerns over India’s telecom standards body’s move to creating a local 5G standard, which it said will lead to interoperability issues between devices and networks.
TSDSI Website TSDSI’s submission accepted as a candidate for evaluation as an IMT-2020 (5G) standard at ITU-R WP 5D meeting (Dec 2019)
Economic Times, March 2020 India’s telecom standards body, TSDSI, appears to be making strides towards its goal of getting the IMT status for its local 5G standard.

Are they all truely 5G ?

All technology being different, the ITU-R has setup a common methdology [17] to evaluate (simulate, analytical,etc) multiple performance metrics. Usually, they are configuration paramters like frequency, height of the basestations, transmit power to be used by all technology.

All the candidate technologies are expected to be self-assessment (by proponents) and also indepdently by various voluntary groups.
All self-evaluation has to strictly follow these methodology in their evaluation.

2020, Feb

True Assessment of Technology

Multiple independent evaluation groups submitted their final assessment report about these candidate technologies. Do these technologies really meet official 5G requirement?

All the IEGs concluded that the 3GPP LTE & NR technology met all the requirements of 5G
- Regarding the DECT technology, all the IEGs who evaluated could not conclude if DECT can meet some of the 5G requirements due to incompleteness in the final submission of DECT to ITU-R
IEGs who evaluated informed that since its copied and modified version of 3GPP, the TSDSI technology also meets the minimum peformance requirements.
EUHT (by NuFront)
Some IEGs who evaluated informed that the technology does not meet some of the 5G requirements due to incompleteness or incosistency in the NuFront’s final submission to ITU-R

Only 3GPP 5G and TSDSI-RIT could clear this step of ITU-R

Something Extra in Submissions

ITU-R process for "recommendation of official 5G" is not about competition among the candidate technologies, but some submission reports contained extra results and claims about candidate technologies. ITU-R had strictly limited the discussion and endorsement to parts of the reports that have used configurations set by ITU-R.

had included results based on different configurations (different frequency (f=1900MHz) and deployment parameters, BS height=5m ) based on DECT system’s typical operating values.
had included results and claims for very largely spaced base-stations (ISD=12km) and a different frequency (f=3.5GHz) to demonstrate the gains due to one of the modification in their specification compared to 3GPP.
had provided results and detailed impact analysis due to the technical modifications done by TSDSI over 3GPP. The report included detailed analysis for all the modifications done by TSDSI. The report demonstrated that
there is either no performance gains or insignificant gains due to technical modifications introduced by TSDSI-RIT on the original 3GPP specification.

Such supplimentary information and claims in the evaluation reports were explicitly noted and declared as not relevant and not considered during the ITU-R processes (See ITU-R document). So these extra informations and claims remain unvalidated by ITU-R.

Read : ITU-R comments on TSDSI (P1,Att 2) and ITU-R comments on DECT (P1,Att 2) and ITU-R comments on WWRF (Section 4)

5G Ecosystem worldwide

As per the latest (Aug 2020) GSA’s 5G Snapshot
  • By July 2020, 392 operators in 126 countries/territories had announced they were investing in 5G
  • 115 operators had announced they had deployed 3GPP compliant technology in their live networks
  • Of those, a total of 92* operators in 38* countries/territories had launched one or more 3GPP-compliant 5G services.
  • One of the reason for hypes around 5G was because some of the telecom vendors had started showcasing the capabilities of 5G even before the 3GPP specifications were ready.

TSDSI-RIT - Are there any trials or demonstrations ??

It continues to be in media as the “local 5G standard” and a fork of 3GPP, no public demonstration or trials of this local technology is known yet.
Related Press Articles
Linked Article, March 2020 India's 5G Technology - Opportunities and Challenges Parag Kar's article to evaluate the opportunities and challenges that India is facing as it goes through the process of defining it own 5G standard.
EconomicTimes, June 2020) Avoid fragmentation of 5G technology standards while bridging the digital divide
Economic Times, July 2020 How indigenously developed 5G tech can reach remote Indian villages..by IIT Madras, Director. ...IITM Director, it is our fervent hope that, sooner rather than later, the enhancements proposed in the TSDSI RIT will get folded into the 3GPP RIT (as originally intended by India) and a single global standard will address everyone’s needs, including those on the wrong side of the digital divide. DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

2020 July

Due to the inconclusive results regarding DECT 2020 NR & NuFront - EUHT assessment reports, ITU-R decided to give once again an exceptional extended time during the June 2020 meeting for assessment of these two candidate technology. These two technologies will be again assessed by independent evaluation groups and if they are found to meet all the requirements they get to be included in the official 5G recommendation in 2021. Whereas both 3GPP and TSDSI will make to the official 5G recommendations by Nov 2020

2020, October & November

In the final meetings held in Oct and Nov 2020, ITU-R approved three technologies as IMT-2020. The technologies approved can be found in Annex of ITU-R Recommendation M.2150

  • Annex 1 : 3GPP 5G SRIT - LTE+NR Rel 15 and 16
  • Annex 2 : 3GPP 5G RIT - NR Rel 15 and 16
  • Annex 3 : 5Gi radio interface technology (by TSDSI)