
This is my personal digital portal. I am into wireless technology, standardization and passionate about programming. Posts in my portal are explicitly personal opinion and is not endorsement of my current or previous employers. The portal is the home for my blog posts and articles in addition to those that I usually post on #LinkedIn, Medium or twitter.

Sendil Kumar


Few learnings Integration of API and ObservableHQ

This post is still work-in-progress !!

Lately, I have been tinkering around to convert some of cellular library writen in #golang as REST API services. I am not from a web-development profession. I had to depend mainly on google for finding learning and understanding the issues thrown by browsers. In this blog, I will try to capture some solutions.

sequenceDiagram autonumber participant Client participant WebServer participant APIserver participant ObserverableHQ Note left of WebServer: Hosted on Github Pages, #jekyl semantic-ui Note left of APIserver: Hosted on GAE, #golang WebServer->>Client: Load Static Pages Client->>APIserver: Authenticate Me! APIserver->>Client: Returns a `signed Token` ObserverableHQ->>Client: Import Module Client-->>APIserver: Call Cellular APIs Note over Client,APIserver: Uses `fetch` based calls, using lookup functions in .js hosted along WebServer APIserver-->Client: return JSON objects Client->>ObserverableHQ: Redefine variables on Observerable Notebook cell ObserverableHQ->>Client: Renders the plots/diagram (based on d3)
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